Climate Basics

Carbon management made easy.

Empowering small businesses to take big steps in their sustainability journey.
Easy to use
Effective results
Footprint measurement
Action plans
All sectors & sizes
Our Climate Basics plan was designed with small businesses in mind. It provides the tools and information you need to measure your carbon footprint, set actionable goals, and begin reducing emissions—all at an accessible price point.
Why choose FutureTracker?
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Designed by
FutureTracker is not just a tool, but the result of years of environmental and business expertise. Our team of experts ensure you get industry-approved, top-tier strategies for your business.
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We believe in making sustainability accessible. Our intuitive platform comes with clear instructions and personalised support, removing complexity and confusion from your journey.
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Our platform offers real-time tracking of your sustainability efforts. Coupled with a comprehensive library of initiatives, we provide you with the tools to make a tangible, data-driven impact.
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Leveraging our deep understanding of sustainability pitfalls, FutureTracker helps you avoid common mistakes and implement effective strategies, ensuring consistent success in your green efforts.
Testimonial Kaizen
Using FutureTracker has been a transformative experience for us at Oak...
With an intricate analysis of our carbon footprint across our jurisdictions, they've enabled us to understand our environmental impact at a granular level. More importantly, it has made sustainability a topic of conversation, spurring staff involvement and fostering a culture of environmental awareness.
Testimonial Cleland and Co
The unforeseen benefit to signing up is the autonomy it’s given our staff...
I’ve been surprised by how many people wanted to be actively involved in the Green team, and the skills they are developing as a result. They are learning teamwork, how to enact change projects and the need to weigh up the costs and benefits of their ideas to be able to put them in front of the Board.
Testimonial Carey Olsen
ESI has provided us with an evidence-based framework that is transparent and cost-effective...
For an organisation like ourselves it's vital to have a solution that allows you to measure your environmental impact with reliable data and empowers people to shift behaviour.
Testimonial Kaizen
Using FutureTracker has been a transformative experience for us at Oak. With an intricate analysis of our carbon footprint across our jurisdictions, they've enabled us to understand our environmental impact at a granular level. More importantly, it has made sustainability a topic of conversation, spurring staff involvement and fostering a culture of environmental awareness.
Testimonial Mourant
Working through the platform across our multiple sites has created ownership, pride, competition, desire for behaviour change, and enhanced team spirit.
Testimonial Cleland and Co
The unforeseen benefit to signing up is the autonomy it’s given our staff. I’ve been surprised by how many people wanted to be actively involved in the Green team, and the skills they are developing as a result. They are learning teamwork, how to enact change projects and the need to weigh up the costs and benefits of their ideas to be able to put them in front of the Board.
Testimonial Carey Olsen
ESI has provided us with an evidence-based framework that is transparent and cost-effective. For an organisation like ourselves it's vital to have a solution that allows you to measure your environmental impact with reliable data and empowers people to shift behaviour.
Testimonial Kaizen
As a data company we believe that accurate and timely data is of vital importance to manage anything. The logical order, guidance and reference material made it easy for our staff to start planning for our transition to a low carbon economy without need for outside consultants.
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How it works

Our structured sustainability journey is designed to maximise user experience and lead to impactful results.

Sign up!

Sign up and start your onboarding process with effective video guidance.

Measure emissions

Use our fully-guided measurement tool to calculate emissions from your organisation’s activities.

Review footprint

Gain a crystal-clear understanding of where your emissions come from with your comprehensive footprint report.

Plan actions

Use our extensive library of data-driven sustainability initiatives to create step-by-step emission reduction plans.

Keep going!

Carry out your action plans then re-measure your footprint to see the results.

Schedule a free demo and platform overview!

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We’re ISO 27001 Certified
Our certification is testament to our robust security practices and underlines our dedication to protecting our stakeholder's information. You can verify the validity of our ISO certificate by entering our certificate number 248213 here.
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Let's get started.