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Celebrating Local Excellence – Why it’s Time to Recognise Our Own

It’s easy to think the grass is greener elsewhere, but Guernsey is home to world-class talent and innovation.

There’s an old saying that “a prophet is not without honour except in his own country.” It speaks to a truth many of us know too well: the tendency to overlook or undervalue what’s close to home in favour of what comes from afar. This mindset is particularly pervasive in Guernsey, where it seems that local companies often have to fight harder for recognition and trust than their counterparts from outside the island.

But today, I want to challenge that mindset.

As the founder of FutureTracker, a company born and bred in Guernsey, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible talent, innovation, and dedication that exists right here on our island. Just recently, FutureTracker was awarded the Product Innovation of the Year by Environmental Finance—a global recognition that underscores the excellence of what we’re doing here. This wasn’t just a win for our company; it was a win for Guernsey.

Guernsey is home to world-class companies across various sectors, from finance to technology, from sustainability to creative industries. These businesses are not just competing on a local level; they are leading on the global stage. Yet, despite their proven capabilities, they often face scepticism or are overlooked in favour of firms based elsewhere.

Why Do We Look Elsewhere?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. We’re conditioned to believe that expertise, innovation, and leadership must come from somewhere else—from bigger cities, from international corporations, from anywhere but here. But this mindset is not only outdated, it’s detrimental to the growth and success of our local economy.

The truth is, we have everything we need to succeed right here. Guernsey’s business community is thriving with innovative companies that are pushing boundaries, setting standards, and making a mark worldwide. Companies like FutureTracker are proof that you don’t need to look beyond our shores to find excellence.

It’s time for us to break the habit of undervaluing what’s local. By supporting and celebrating our own businesses, we can foster a stronger, more resilient economy that benefits everyone. When we choose local companies, we’re not just investing in their success; we’re investing in the future of Guernsey. We’re creating jobs, encouraging innovation, and building a community that is proud of what it has to offer.

The Future is Local

So, I urge you—whether you’re a business owner, a decision-maker, or a consumer—to look around you. Consider the local options first. Recognise the expertise and excellence that exists within our own community. By doing so, we can change the narrative and make sure that our local prophets are honoured right here at home.

At FutureTracker, we’re proud to be a Guernsey company, and we’re committed to leading by example. We’ve shown that it’s possible to be a global leader in our field while staying true to our roots. Let’s celebrate that, and let’s make sure that our local businesses get the recognition and support they deserve.

The future of Guernsey’s success lies not in looking outward, but in recognising the greatness that’s already here.

Marc Laine, Co-Founder, FutureTracker

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