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How do people and technology contribute to corporate sustainability?

Corporate sustainability encompasses a broad range of areas that businesses can focus on to reduce their impact on the environment and society. Within each area, both people and technology have different but important roles to play.
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TL;DR: Human involvement and technology play important roles in corporate sustainability. Human commitment is essential in leadership, personal behaviours, and expertise, while technology can amplify efforts at every stage. Corporate sustainability platforms like FutureTracker harness the strengths of both people and technology to create a sustainable future for businesses.

The enthusiasm, hard work, and dedication of individuals within organisations serve as the fundamental driving force behind progress. However, the integration of technology can significantly amplify the effectiveness and efficiency of these efforts at every stage. In this article, we delve into the important relationship between human involvement and technology in the realms of sustainability leadership, personal behaviours, expertise, and emissions reduction.

Leadership: Human Commitment and Digital Support

Human involvement in leadership is essential for driving corporate sustainability. A business leader who is committed to sustainability can inspire and engage their employees, foster a culture of sustainability, and facilitate meaningful change within the company. This commitment can materialise in various ways, including setting goals and targets, actively advocating for sustainability, integrating sustainability into the business strategy, and equipping employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute to sustainability initiatives.

While sustainability leadership may primarily appear as a human-centric endeavour, digital tools like FutureTracker can enhance leaders' efforts by helping them manage aspects of their work while optimising the scope of their impact. For instance, leading a dispersed team with offices across multiple jurisdictions presents unique challenges. FutureTracker addresses these challenges by offering a platform customised to individual offices and jurisdictions, supported by a team of sustainability experts with experience spanning over 20 countries. This synergy allows for seamless engagement of the workforce in the sustainability journey, regardless of their location.

Personal Behaviours: Individual Actions and Technological Empowerment

Individuals within a business can significantly influence sustainability efforts by making conscious changes to their behaviour, such as reducing energy consumption or advocating for sustainable transportation. These changes can create a ripple effect, motivating others to embrace similar practices. For instance, a leader who endorses public transportation or commutes by bicycle can inspire their employees to do the same. Likewise, employees who adopt sustainable practices at work can incorporate these habits into their personal lives, further promoting sustainability. Human involvement is crucial in these areas, as it is often the personal behaviours of individuals that can drive transformative change within an organisation.

Technology can bolster these individual, human-driven actions by offering tools and resources that enhance sustainability practices. For example, FutureTracker assists in suggesting, planning, logging, and following up on sustainability initiatives led by the internal team. This support promotes increased visibility and ownership of personal behaviours, ensuring that the sustainability program remains a top priority for the senior management team.

Expertise: Human-driven Sustainability and Technological Enhancement

The significance of expertise in corporate sustainability cannot be understated. Expert consultants can offer businesses the necessary ad-hoc expertise and support to implement sustainability strategies. They can assist in identifying areas of improvement, establishing targets, and monitoring progress towards sustainability objectives.

However, technology is revolutionising the field. Many tasks once exclusively handled by expert consultants can now be executed by a company's own staff when they are equipped with the appropriate tools, training, and empowerment. Digital platforms and tools can enable employees to pinpoint areas of improvement, set targets, and track progress towards sustainability goals while providing the resources and guidance required to elevate anyone's sustainability knowledge from zero to hero.

Emissions Reduction: Human Decisions and Technological Solutions

Technological innovations are the driving force behind modern emissions reduction, with advancements such as energy-efficient lighting, smart building systems, and renewable energy technologies playing a significant role. Nonetheless, behind every technology-driven sustainability initiative is a human leader who made the decision to implement it.

Corporate sustainability platforms like FutureTracker can assist businesses in making informed decisions about which technologies to adopt, where initiatives will have the most significant impact, and provide the necessary tools to evaluate the success of these initiatives. FutureTracker taps into a database of over 5,000 unique sustainability initiatives, substantially amplifying the sustainability efforts of all its users and emphasising the essential synergy between human leadership and technological advancements.

In conclusion, the harmonious integration of human involvement and technology is pivotal in achieving optimal organisational sustainability. By understanding and leveraging the synergy between human leadership, personal behaviours, expertise, and technological advancements, organisations can forge a more sustainable future. Corporate sustainability platforms like FutureTracker play an invaluable role in enhancing these efforts, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions and monitor the success of their initiatives.

To experience first-hand the benefits that FutureTracker can bring to your organisation's sustainability efforts, we encourage you to request an information packet today and take the first step towards a more sustainable future!

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