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What are Fugitive Emissions?

From office buildings to data centres, fugitive emissions are a silent and invisible challenge with a big impact.

Fugitive emissions refer to emissions that are unintentionally released into the atmosphere from various sources within an organisation. These can include leaks from equipment, gas pipelines, or storage tanks, and they often consist of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and greenhouse gases like methane. Most commonly in office-based organisations, fugitive emissions result from leakages in air-conditioning and refrigeration units.

These emissions can be particularly harmful due to their high global warming potential. Many common culprits are significantly more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere compared to carbon dioxide, contributing disproportionately to climate change.

Fugitive emissions are classified as a Scope 1 emissions category, i.e., direct emissions.

Which Organisations are Fugitive Emissions Relevant For?

Fugitive emissions are relevant for a wide range of organisations across various sectors, including:

  • Office Buildings: Facilities with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems that may inadvertently release refrigerants or other gases.
  • IT and Data Centres: Organisations with significant cooling requirements for servers and data equipment, where leaks can occur.
  • Retail and Hospitality: Businesses with refrigeration units, such as supermarkets or hotels, where maintaining equipment integrity is crucial.
  • Oil and Gas: Companies involved in extraction and production, where equipment leaks are a major concern.
  • Chemical Manufacturing: Facilities handling chemicals, where emissions can occur through venting or equipment leaks.
  • Waste Management and Agriculture: Sectors dealing with decomposing materials and livestock, leading to methane release.

Benefits of Measuring Fugitive Emissions

For office-based organisations, measuring fugitive emissions is crucial to maintaining efficient operations and achieving sustainability goals. Monitoring these emissions helps identify leaks or inefficiencies in HVAC systems and refrigeration units, enabling prompt repairs and reducing overall emissions.

Regular monitoring can prevent minor issues from escalating into significant problems, reducing energy consumption and operational costs. For example, detecting and fixing leaks in a cooling system can improve efficiency, lower energy bills, and extend the lifespan of equipment.

Furthermore, understanding fugitive emissions enhances an organisation's ability to comply with environmental regulations and boosts its reputation for sustainability. This data-driven approach supports strategic investments in cleaner technologies and helps align organisational practices with broader environmental objectives.

How FutureTracker Can Help

FutureTracker provides comprehensive support for organisations in every aspect of measuring and managing their emissions, including fugitive emissions. Our fugitive emissions calculators simplify the process, making it easy for your organisation to identify sources of emissions, quantify their impact, and develop targeted strategies to reduce them effectively.

If you’d like to learn more about FutureTracker, get in touch with us at or learn more about our plans and pricing here.

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