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What are Mobile Combustion Emissions?

Mobile combustion emissions are more than just numbers—they’re a key area where businesses can make a real impact.

Mobile combustion refers to emissions from company-owned vehicles. This does not include the commute of staff to and from work, or the use of third-party transport, but any owned vehicles used in the operations of the organisation (e.g., driving to meetings, delivery vehicles, company aircraft, etc.).

Mobile combustion is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. It is classified as a Scope 1 emissions category, i.e., direct emissions.

Which Organisations are Mobile Combustion Emissions Relevant For?

Mobile combustion emissions are relevant for a wide range of organisations across various sectors, including:

  • Logistics and Transportation: Companies with fleets of delivery trucks or vans.
  • Construction: Firms operating heavy machinery and vehicles on construction sites.
  • Healthcare: Hospitals and clinics with ambulances and service vehicles.
  • Manufacturing: Plants with forklifts, company cars, and transport vehicles.
  • Utilities: Providers maintaining service vehicles for maintenance and repairs.
  • Telecommunications: Companies with field service teams using vans or trucks.
  • Retail: Businesses using vehicles for product deliveries or supply chain operations.

Benefits of Measuring Mobile Combustion Emissions

Measuring mobile combustion emissions is crucial for organisations since these emissions are usually under their direct control, facilitating easier monitoring and reduction.

By accurately tracking these emissions, organisations can better identify and resolve inefficiencies and issues with their vehicles. For example, regular monitoring can highlight excessive fuel consumption due to poor vehicle maintenance or inefficient routing. This not only helps reduce fuel consumption but also decreases fuel costs and enhances operational efficiency.

Moreover, measuring mobile combustion emissions enables informed decision-making regarding investments in cleaner replacement technologies, such as electric or hybrid vehicles, and the implementation of sustainability initiatives. These steps can significantly reduce the organisation's overall carbon footprint and contribute to long-term environmental goals.

How FutureTracker Can Help

FutureTracker provides comprehensive support for organisations in every aspect of measuring and managing their emissions, including those from mobile combustion.

If you’d like to learn more about FutureTracker, get in touch with as at or learn more about our plans and pricing here.

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