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What are Stationary Combustion Emissions?

From industrial processes to residential heating, stationary combustion plays a big role in emissions.
TL;DR Embed
TLDR: Stationary combustion, the burning of fuels in fixed installations like boilers and furnaces, is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. It affects various sectors, including manufacturing, commercial buildings, agriculture, and residential homes. Measuring these emissions is crucial for improving fuel efficiency, reducing energy costs, and making informed decisions about cleaner technologies.

Stationary combustion refers to the burning of fuels in fixed installations or equipment that remains in one location. These installations include boilers, furnaces, ovens, heaters, and engines used for power generation, heating, or industrial processes. The primary fuels involved are natural gas, oil, coal, wood, and biomass.

Stationary combustion is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. It is classified as a Scope 1 emissions category, i.e., direct emissions.

Which Organisations are Stationary Combustion Emissions Relevant For?

Stationary combustion emissions are relevant for a wide range of organisations across various sectors:

Manufacturing: Factories often use large boilers and furnaces to produce steam, heat, and power essential for various industrial processes. For example, a steel mill might rely on coal-fired furnaces, while a food processing plant could use natural gas boilers for sterilisation and cooking.
Commercial Buildings: Office buildings, hospitals, and educational institutions typically use boilers and heating systems fuelled by natural gas or oil to maintain comfortable indoor environments.
Agriculture: Agricultural operations may use stationary engines for irrigation, heating systems for greenhouses, and dryers for crops, all of which contribute to stationary combustion emissions.
Residential: On a smaller scale, residential homes with oil or natural gas furnaces, boilers, and fireplaces also contribute to stationary combustion emissions.

Benefits of Measuring Stationary Combustion Emissions

Measuring stationary combustion emissions is crucial for organisations since these emissions are usually under their direct control, facilitating easier monitoring and reduction. By accurately tracking these emissions, organisations can better identify and resolve inefficiencies and issues with their fuels and equipment. For example, adjustments in the combustion process can improve fuel efficiency, and regular maintenance can ensure machines operate optimally. This not only helps reduce fuel consumption but also decreases energy costs and enhances operational efficiency.

Measuring stationary combustion emissions also enables informed decision-making regarding investments in cleaner replacement technologies and the implementation of sustainability initiatives.

How FutureTracker Can Help

FutureTracker provides comprehensive support for organisations in every aspect of measuring and managing their emissions, including those from stationary combustion. Our services offer advanced tools specifically designed to simplify the process of measuring, managing, and minimising emissions.

If you’d like to learn more about FutureTracker, get in touch with as at or learn more about our plans and pricing here.

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