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Why Are Businesses Lagging in Addressing Climate Change?

Discover the barriers identified in our recent poll and learn how to overcome them.

Despite growing awareness and the clear need for sustainable practices, many businesses are still lagging in their efforts to address climate change effectively. To understand the reasons behind this hesitation, we recently conducted a quick poll asking, our LinkedIn followers "Why do YOU think businesses are lagging in addressing climate change?" Here are the results:

Resistance to Change (36%)

The most significant barrier identified by our poll is resistance to change. Change, particularly at an organisational level, can be daunting. Established routines, practices, and mindsets are often deeply ingrained, making it challenging for companies to pivot towards more sustainable methods. Resistance to change can stem from a variety of sources, including fear of the unknown, uncertainty about the benefits of sustainable practices, and the perceived effort required to implement new processes.

Resistance to change is often the first barrier businesses face, and the key to overcoming it is education. Business leaders need to understand that sustainability is not just beneficial but essential for business survival as laws, legislation, consumers, and competitors adjust to the climate transition. Not changing is not an option. If you notice your co-workers or business leaders displaying resistance to change, consider discussing the long-term benefits of sustainable practices.

Lack of Expertise/Awareness (27%)

The second most common reason identified is a lack of expertise or awareness. Many businesses may not understand where to start with their sustainability, or how to implement effective strategies. This gap in knowledge can prevent companies from taking meaningful action.

Lack of expertise and awareness often affects businesses that want to change but don’t know where to start. Fortunately, there are many options for these businesses. FutureTracker, for instance, offers an innovative synergy of intuitive technology, comprehensive guidance, and expert support. This approach allows you to both upskill your own teams and benefit from FutureTracker’s expertise.

Short-term Profit Focus (18%)

A focus on short-term profits is another significant barrier. Businesses often prioritise immediate financial gains over long-term sustainability goals. This short-sighted approach can lead to decisions that are detrimental to the environment and, ultimately, the company's future.

Overcoming a focus on short-term profit can be difficult. While sustainability is vital and often results in cost savings in the long term, in the short term, it can seem unsound to invest in. Similar to the resistance to change barrier, the solution for this issue is education. Business leaders need to be shown the long-term financial benefits and the potential risks of not adopting sustainable practices.

Time and Financial Constraints (18%)

Lastly, time and financial constraints are notable hurdles. Implementing sustainable practices can require significant upfront investment and time, which can be daunting for businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Time and financial constraints can be an issue for many businesses, especially those without designated sustainability staff. FutureTracker offers solutions that can expedite processes and reduce the burden on internal teams. Whether through expert-led solutions or technology-accelerated journeys, FutureTracker empowers businesses to make significant strides without substantial time or financial investment.

Addressing climate change as a business can require overcoming several barriers, but with the right tools and support, any company can achieve sustainable success. FutureTracker provides comprehensive solutions that not only help businesses begin their sustainability journey but also ensure they thrive in the long run.

If you’d like to learn more about FutureTracker, get in touch with as at or learn more about our plans and pricing here.

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